China plans to launch a space mission to Mars in July

According to a new report, the Chinese space system will launch its mission to Mars by July 2020. The new mission will include launching a vehicle to its orbit to learn more about Mars as well as dropping a robot for space exploration.

That is why it is China's first mission to drop a Rover robot to Mars's surface and to compete with NASA. More specifically, the United States is also planning to launch an additional spacecraft to the Red Planet, this is the fifth time for their mission. China is also planning other projects, including setting up its own space station on Earth by 2022, as well as testing a new space shuttle to send its astronauts to the planet. The moon is coming soon.

At present, China has not been told how long it will take to launch its vehicle to Mars and want to continue its mission for a few years before deciding to graduate to the Red Planet. Anyway, we hope to get more details about this mission when it launches this July.

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