Honda was hit by a Cyber ​​Attack by an anonymous group

Last night, Honda Motor Company's official Twitter account announced that its customer service and financial services were technically inactive and could not be reopened, but the team Theirs is trying to repair it gradually. And the reason is that the attack by unknown anonymous virus has forced the service worldwide.

According to what Honda has told the BBC, they do not yet know how much of this critical data is affected by production systems outside of Japan. Well. For now, some people view it as a Snake Ransomware virus, with most anonymous groups stealing data from big companies and threatening to leak all data if it refuses to give money. In addition, Honda said that experts from its global IT department are trying to counter the attack and be able to launch the business as soon as possible.

In the wake of the devastating effects of the virus, Honda's now even outpaced the Cyber ​​Attack, putting businesses worldwide at risk of stealing their data. They are. However, we also hope that the top Honda team can get in the way soon to get back into business.

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